available on demand starting november 1, 2024!

For many years, I’ve watched so many syndicators' business stall or fail because they ran out of investors for their real estate deals. Then they ask other people to raise money (often illegally) for them.

And they still don't get the results that they want.

I get it.

• You’ve exhausted your network of friends and family.

You're struggling to get people to know who you are and how you can help them with their financial future.

You are scared to go after your next deal because you don’t know how much you can raise.

You post and no one likes or


You look at the other syndicators and you just don’t understand why everyone is so engaged with them.

And if we are completely frank, you wonder why no one is direct messaging you asking if you will have a call with them to talk about your offerings.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

When I first started in the syndication business in 2019 I wondered how I was going to meet investors for my deals.

I have a rare condition called Cystic Fibrosis and it prevented me from flying around the country to go to conferences and attending many of the local meetups. I started with virtually no followers today that’s grown to over


and I add about 300 a month.

This allowed me to accumulate over

2.1 million

views each year with my content which allowed me to overcome the fact that my core network was enough to do one small deal in Clarksville, Tennessee.

Fast forward to today and

I’ve raised $3,840,000 through LinkedIn

which has allowed me and my partners to buy $96 million worth of commercial real estate in markets like Kansas City, MO, Huntsville, AL and Dallas, TX.

For many years, I’ve watched so many syndicators' business stall or fail because they ran out of investors for their real estate deals. Then they ask other people to raise money (often illegally) for them.

And they still don't get the results that they want.

I get it.

• You’ve exhausted your network of friends and family.

You're struggling to get people to know who you are and how you can help them with their financial future.

You are scared to go after your next deal because you don’t know how much you can raise.

You post and no one likes or comments.

You look at the other syndicators and you just don’t understand why everyone is so engaged with them.

And if we are completely frank, you wonder why no one is direct messaging you asking if you will have a call with them to talk about your offerings.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

When I first started in the syndication business in 2019 I wondered how I was going to meet investors for my deals.

I have a rare condition called Cystic Fibrosis and it prevented me from flying around the country to go to conferences and attending many of the local meetups. I started with virtually no followers today that’s grown to over 12,300 and I add about 300 a month.

This allowed me to accumulate over 2.1 million views each year with my content which allowed me to overcome the fact that my core network was enough to do one small deal in Clarksville, Tennessee.

Fast forward to today and I’ve raised $5,515,000 through LinkedIn which has allowed me and my partners to buy $225 million worth of commercial real estate in markets like Kansas City, MO, Huntsville, AL and Dallas, TX.

I've raised millions on dollars from strangers that I've met on linkedIn and taught others across North America

how to do the same.

This course is for you if you:

• Have run out of investors to put into your real estate deals?

• Have exhausted your network of friends and family?

• Are struggling with people knowing who you are and what you can do to help their financial future?

• Are struggling with what to post on LinkedIn to attract investors?

• Are posting on LinkedIn and not getting engagement?

• Are posting and not getting people wanting to learn more about your investment?

It doesn't have to be this way......
We've created a simple, four step process that has allowed me to:

• Raise millions of dollars from strangers that I've met on LinkedIn.

• Attract hundreds of investor calls from LinkedIn.

• Build a following of over 15,000 targeted people.

• Create content that has been viewed over 2,100,000 times over the past 365 days

And the LinkedIn Capital Raising Course will teach you to do the same!

You can't fix what you don't measure

So few people have metrics associated with their investor funnel and because they don't measure they can't determine which parts of their funnel is working.

In our course we give you the Key Performance Indicators for our proprietary

Know, Like, Trust, Invest Funnel.

KNOW - measured by post impressions on LinkedIn and the connections that we have

LIKE - measured by # of engagements on our posts and amount of direct message conversations on LinkedIn

TRUST - measured by the number of investors in our CRM and investor calls that we have from folks from LinkedIn

INVEST - measured by the amount of capital we have invested in our deals from LinkedIn

  • Move investors through the Know, Like and Trust funnel to wire funds for your deals

  • Hack the LinkedIn algorithm so your target avatar sees your marketing

  • Increase your post impressions by learning to create posts that engage your target avatar

  • Move investors from direct message conversations, to phone conversations to wiring funds

    for your deals

Frequently Asked Questions:

I don't have a lot of LinkedIn followers

No problem! As part of our proven LinkedIn Capital Raising Secrets system, we show you how to attract and engage accredited investors on LinkedIn.

I haven't used LinkedIn much

We will teach you everything you need to know about LinkedIn to turn strangers into investors for your real estate deals.

I don't have a lot of time

While we encourage you to learn and practice implementing our proven LinkedIn Capital Raising Secrets system, you can teach a virtual assistant to implement many of the steps so you can focus on other aspects of the business.

The best part of this is over 60% of the money that I have raised was from people I met on LinkedIn.

Let that sink in. Over $5,515,000 came from strangers!

You may be asking how did I do it?

It’s simple.

I created a 4-Step System that works in 90 days to

-Dramatically increase the number of people who know who you are

-Give them an opportunity to decide whether or not they like you without doing one-on-one calls

-Book calls with you to say "I feel like I already know you: and "I am ready to wire money to your next deal!"

Sound too good to be true?

Struggling to raise money for your next deal doesn’t have to be your reality.

The screenshot above shows one of my largest investors to date reaching out to me on LinkedIn unsolicited. This investor wired money to my deal less than 6 weeks after this message was sent. I can show you how to get the

same results.

What people are saying about the LinkedIN Capital Raising Secrets Course

"As a Master Real Estate Coach and Mentor, I've dedicated over 35,000 hours to working with Entrepreneurs and Real Estate Investors all over the globe to help them achieve success and build incredible wealth.

I've worked with syndicators who have raised hundreds of millions of dollars - and when I compare Amy Sylvis' skillset with theirs, she stacks up in every category.

Amy is a phenomenal Real Estate Investor and Capital Raiser, who truly understands how to work with people in order to help them and support THEIR Goals and Outcomes."

~ Trevor McGregor, Master Platinum Coach, Real Estate Investor

Vessi had a 2,200% increase in investor calls!

Vessi was a frequent LinkedIn user who wasn't maximizing the platform for capital raising. She wanted to get more investors on the phone from LinkedIn, so that she could boost her capital raising capacity. By the end of the course not only did she increase her profile views by almost 250% she also grew her engagements on her posts by 2,878%.

Chad grew his LinkedIn post engagements by 129%!

Chad had wasted over $100,000 on marketing firms, virtual assistance and other "hacks" that did not work because they were not authentically him.

He believes the course is spectacular because it helped him understand the algorithm so that he could use it to promote his content.

By implementing what he learned over the 12-weeks of the course he got serious results.

During his enrollment the engagements on his post grew by 129%!

How much would your business grow if the right people were seeing your content on a daily basis?

Denise doubled her investor calls in just 12 weeks!

Denise was new to capital raising on social media and she was not getting much engagement on her posts. Fortunately, she followed the recommendation of a friend and joined the LinkedIn Capital Raising Secrets Course.

The course was valuable to her because she got phenomnal results from implementing what was taught.

  • Impressions grew by over 850%

  • Follower count doubled

  • Engagements grew by over 600%

How much would your business grow if you were able to double your investor calls?

Jerome grew his post impressions!

Jerome joined my course with over 17,000 followers and being a well known content creator in the commercial real estate community BUT he wasn’t getting the reach that he used to get and his engagements were down on his posts. By implementing our system he was able to grow his impressions to get back on track to crossing the 1,000,000 view mark annually.

What could you do if you had more of the people who follow you engage with your content?

Jason's engagement increased 162,400%

Jason was almost completely new to LinkedIn and at the start of the 12 week course but he wanted to increase his capital raising capacity and enroll students in his new underwriting course. At the start of the course, he had 1 engagement on his content over the previous 12 weeks. 1 person liked or commented on a post. At the end of the course, he had 1625 engagements - meaning 1625 likes and comments on his posts!

How much more capital could you raise by increasing the engagements on your multifamily content on LinkedIn by 162,400%?

Sam increased his investor interest calls by 150%

Sam was a bit newer to LinkedIn when he joined my course and had run out of friends and family to invest in his deals. He wasn't sure what to post on LinkedIn to attract strangers to invest in his deals. After the 12 week course and applying our 4 step system, he increased engagements (comments, likes) on his posts by a huge 3,580% and increased his # of investor calls by 150%.

How would your capital raising abilities improve if you could exponentially grow the number of new investor calls you have?

When was the last time someone reached out to you to learn more about your deals?

Christy had big goals to fund more of her amazing real estate deals and needed a solution that was "one to many" that LinkedIn posting could provide. She increased her post impressions over 12 weeks by over 15,000 eyeballs. She also increased her engagements by 2394% and reports that many folks from her old industry have reached out to her to learn more about what she is doing in real estate.

How much more capital could you raise for your next deal if you could increase views of your real estate content on LinkedIn by 15,000+ eyeballs ?

If A LinkedIn veteran can benefit from this course, imagine how YOU could benefit?

Yonah is a LinkedIn veteran and knows how to utilize the platform to gain clients for his cost segregation business. But Yonah wanted to learn how to use the platform in a new way - to raise capital. Even Yonah learned new skills to raise capital from our 4 step capital raising system.

If even the LinkedIn Master, Yonah, can learn from this LinkedIn Capital Raising Secrets course, imagine what you can learn that can enhance your capital raising for your next deal?


Tammy had big goals to fund more of her amazing multifamily deals and needed a solution that was "one to many" that LinkedIn posting could

She found the LinkedIn Capital Raising Secrets Course valuable and got big results from implementing what was taught.

·  Profile views doubled

·  Impressions grew by over 250%

·  Engagements grew by over 160%

How much more capital could you raise for your next deal if you got these gains in less than 90 days?

If an investor with an MBA can benefit from this course, imagine how YOU could benefit?

Charles had goals to expand his network to make funding his deals less of a hassle. He had grown tired of doing one to one phone calls and wanted people to come to the calls already knowing who he was and what his company did. He found the LinkedIn Capital Raising Secrets Course valuable and got big results from implementing what was taught!

  • Profile views up by 145%

  • Impressions grew by almost 340%

  • Engagements grew by over 330%

How many more investor calls would you have if you got these gains in less than 90 days?

Bigger pockets published author saves time with the Linkedin capital raising secrets course!

Alex raises money for private lending and feels the courses was totally worth the investment! The real value was in the actionable guidance and the access to a top tier community.

If you want to grow your influence this is the course for you!

Shawn was determined to expand his network and streamline funding for his deals. Frustrated with endless one-on-one calls, he wanted potential partners to already know him and his company before they spoke. The LinkedIn Capital Raising Secrets Course proved invaluable, not just for raising capital, but also for growing his audience and attracting new customers!